
Pharmacists with disabilities: RPS survey

This survey ran in 2019: Out of 839 respondents to a Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) survey , 56% thought more should be done to support pharmacists with disabilities. The survey, which ran from 28 August 2019 to 11 September 2019, was designed to help inform the RPS’s new inclusion and diversity programme , which launched in August 2019. Read more about the survey here:

Journal article: Academic accommodation strategies for pharmacy students with learning disabilities

Journal article: Academic accommodation strategies for pharmacy students with learning disabilities: What else can be done ? Abstract Introduction: Colleges and schools of pharmacy in the US are faced with the challenge of providing appropriate academic accommodations for students with learning disabilities (SLD) including those with dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia. Although there are no population statistics about SLD in pharmacy schools, current data show that their number at higher education institutions across the US has increased. This commentary discusses how the rigorous pharmacy school curriculum affects SLD and proposes creative and innovative measures to overcome these obstacles. Perspective: The shift in the public perception about SLD from a state of stigma to a manageable condition in recent years has greatly contributed to increase the number of SLD enrolled in higher education institutions. Although most colleges and universities can now offer some type of academic ...

Pharmacy Workforce Issues in the United States and the United Kingdom

An article published in the March 25, 2015 issue off the Am J Pharm Educ. is titled, "Examining Pharmacy Workforce Issues in the United States and the United Kingdom." The authors note: The number of colleges and schools of pharmacy has expanded by approximately 50% in both the United States and United Kingdom over the previous decade. In the United States, continued demand for the pharmacy workforce has been forecasted, but this need is based on outdated supply figures and assumptions for economic recovery. In the United Kingdom, workforce modeling has predicted a significant future oversupply of pharmacists, and action within the profession has attempted to address the situation through educational planning and regulation. The most recent job outlook figures for pharmacists from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) at the US Department of Labor predict more than 41 000 new positions (a 14% increase) by 2022.

Weldon Williams, vs. Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., d.b.a. CVS Pharmacy Inc.

The case of Weldon Williams, vs. Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., d.b.a. CVS Pharmacy Inc. involves a pharmacist (Weldon Williams) suing his former employer CVS. Williams filed this employment action alleging that CVS failed to accommodate his reasonable requests for assistance under the ADA, terminated him despite his FMLA request, placed unreasonable demands on him before allowing him to return to work, and treated younger pharmacists more favorably. Although this case was file in January, 2014, the case was petitioned and it appears that the petition was denied  in October, 2014.

Oregon pharmacist accuses Walmart of firing him for his disability

Earlier this year, a story came out about an Oregon pharmacist who was accusing Walmart of firing him for his disability. The disability: substance abuse disorder. The suit notes that Doran was diagnosed in 2007 with a disabling medical condition: "Addiction is recognized as a serious health condition by the medical profession (Substance Abuse Disorder), and is a recognized disability under federal and state laws." David Shane Doran filed a federal lawsuit in Medford on Thursday that accuses Walmart of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.   Read the story here .

Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program

Pharmacy students who wish to pursue a career in the biopharma industry may be interested in this: Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program In 1984, the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and two pharmaceutical companies initiated a collaborative pilot program to evaluate the potential contributions of clinically trained pharmacists within a pharmaceutical industry practice setting. The program has grown exponentially to include 12 partner companies (including several of the top ten global companies) within the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Over 500 Post-Doctoral Fellows have completed the Program to date, many of whom are pursuing influential and rewarding careers in industry throughout the US and abroad. Over 80 PharmDs now participate in the Fellowship Program annually. The Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program is a structured program designed to provide hands-on training in areas ranging from coordinating ...

Campaign for Disability Employment

The Campaign for Disability Employment is a collaborative effort between several disability and business organizations that seek to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities by encouraging employers and others to recognize the value and talent they bring to the workplace as well as the dividend to be realized by fully including people with disabilities at work. People with disabilities can and do make important contributions to America’s businesses every day. By implementing good workplace practices, like maintaining a flexible and inclusive work environment, businesses can capitalize on the talents of qualified people with disabilities, benefitting everyone. The Campaign is a collaborative effort between several organizations that are working to raise awareness and change attitudes about disability and employment, including: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD); National Business and Disability Council (NBDC); Job Accommodation Network (...